Janitor AI is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide automated support and communication solutions. It can be used as a standalone chatbot or integrated into projects through an API. Users can engage with this intelligent chatbot to perform various tasks such as answering questions, offering recommendations, setting reminders, and executing actions based on user requests.

It offers a user-friendly interface for easy interaction and can also integrate with other apps on the user’s device, like calendars, email, and messaging apps, to streamline tasks and create a seamless experience.


How to Use Janitor AI?

By following below steps you can use Janitor AI tool,

You need to create an account on OpenAI or Kobold AI and obtain an API key. However, it’s essential to note that Janitor AI has recently faced controversy due to issues related to NSFW (Not Safe For Work) chats according to hindustantimes.com

Janitor AI leverages advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, particularly natural language processing (NLP) techniques, to engage with users effectively. These algorithms enable the chatbot to understand and respond to user queries and commands in a human-like manner.

Janitor AI also excels at contextual understanding, allowing it to generate relevant and precise responses based on ongoing conversations.

How to use Janitor AI without API?

One of its notable features is its ability to function without the need for an API key. To begin using Janitor AI without an API key, you need to follow a few simple steps:


1. Create an Account: The first step is to create an account on the Janitor AI website. You can do this by visiting their website and signing up using your email address or by logging in with your Google, Twitter, or Discord account.

2. Free Access: Upon creating an account, you gain free access to Janitor AI’s basic features. This includes access to their web-based platform, which provides a limited set of functionalities. It’s a great way to get started and explore what Janitor AI can do for you.

See More: How to Use Otter.ai Tool

Features of Janitor AI without an API Key

Janitor AI offers several features and benefits when used without an API key:

  • Quick and Efficient Problem-Solving: Janitor AI excels at providing instant solutions to common problems and queries. Whether you need assistance with technical issues or require information on a specific topic, Janitor AI can help you swiftly.
  • Web-Based Platform: You can access Janitor AI for free through their web-based platform. While this option grants you access to a range of features, please note that some advanced functionalities may still require an API key.
  • Text Generation: Janitor AI boasts impressive text generation capabilities. You can utilize it for tasks such as language translation, content creation, and creative writing. This feature is incredibly handy for various professional and personal applications.
  • Limited Features, but Still Valuable: While certain advanced features may necessitate an API key, Janitor AI ensures that users without one can still benefit from its services. This means you can accomplish many tasks without the added complexity of API integration.
  • Free API Key from Kobold AI: If you’re keen on expanding your Janitor AI experience, you can obtain a free API key from Kobold AI. This key will grant you access to additional features and functionalities, enhancing your Janitor AI experience.
  • Join the Janitor AI Discord Server: Janitor AI values its user community. By joining their Discord server, you can connect with other users, share experiences, and get valuable support from the developers themselves. It’s a fantastic way to engage with the Janitor AI community.
  • Limitations of Using Janitor AI Without an API Key: While Janitor AI offers valuable features without an API key, it’s essential to acknowledge the limitations:
  • Limited Functionalities: You will have access to a subset of Janitor AI’s capabilities. Advanced functionalities are reserved for API key holders.
  • Incomplete Experience: Without an API key, you won’t be able to leverage the full potential of Janitor AI. If you have extensive requirements, consider upgrading to a premium subscription.

Users Privacy and Safety

They take care of user privacy and security by the following ways,

  • Encryption and Security: Janitor AI employs encryption, access controls, and secure storage mechanisms to protect sensitive user information.
  • Compliance with Privacy Regulations: The platform handles user data securely and adheres to relevant privacy regulations to ensure that user information is treated with care and in compliance with legal requirements.
  • Industry-Standard Protocols: Janitor AI follows industry-standard protocols to establish a robust framework for safeguarding user data and ensuring secure interactions.
  • Data Anonymization: The platform anonymizes and aggregates data to protect user privacy.
  • Chat Privacy Control: By default, all chats are private, and users have the option to switch between private and public settings for their chats, giving them complete control over their chat privacy.
  • Clear Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Janitor AI provides users with a transparent terms of use and privacy policy that outlines how it collects and utilizes user data.
  • Opt-Out Option: Users can opt out of data collection at any time, giving them the ability to control their data usage.

Despite these privacy and security measures, it’s essential to be aware that Janitor AI has faced recent controversies related to NSFW chats. Users should exercise caution and stay informed about any updates or changes in the platform’s policies and practices related to content filtering and moderation.


Does Janitor AI allow NSFW?

No, OpenAI’s GPT-3, which powers Janitor AI, explicitly prohibits generating NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content. OpenAI has implemented safety measures to ensure that the AI model does not generate explicit, offensive, or inappropriate content. The intention is to maintain a safe and responsible use of AI technology.

Can Janitor AI see my messages?

No, the janitor AI cannot see your messages. As an AI language model, I don’t have access to personal data about individuals unless it has been shared with me during our conversation. I am designed to respect user privacy and confidentiality. My primary function is to provide information and answer questions to the best of my knowledge and abilities. If you have any concerns about privacy or data security, please let me know, and I will do my best to address them.



So, the rise of generative AI, such as the fascinating Janitor AI, has ushered in a new era of possibilities and challenges. From transforming the way we create art to generating content at lightning speed, generative AI has sparked our imaginations like never before. However, as with any powerful tool, it comes with its caveats.

The potential for misinformation and the ethical implications of replicating artists’ work loom large. It is up to us, as responsible users, to navigate these complex waters, finding ways to harness the undeniable potential while treading carefully to protect creativity, accuracy, and integrity.

As the world grapples with the rapidly advancing capabilities of generative AI, we must ask ourselves: What role will we play and how will we shape the future of this remarkable technology?